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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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in india oh she's available to move the joint the hotel rooms the villas the gateway photo the brand in period two of the george west coast coromandel you can a little children there to see don't need to go and. run this in the kernel was her job as a retreat. to day's news and the week's top stories from our team here recovering from start the summer task of lifting the ship that rapidly went down in the fall river last sunday taking nearly one hundred and thirty lives. of the operation and raised the same from both garrett get some of the way both investigators by the tubes are going to grow super simple but the details from the recovery site something just about. rupert murdoch's story sagar the tycoon publicly eat some will fire to save his stricken empire its loyal allies leave and the police close and on both sides of the atlantic. losing battles but
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winning the war as a libyan rebels earn foreign recognition and access to cut off the assets but their fire a struggle to get the brits on the ground. plus the west's anti wallet as america and the eurozone brace to save their collapsing economies in the face of soaring debt and bombing credits force. one pm of the russian capital you're watching r t on marina joshing the operation to lift the cruiser which sank last sunday in a volga river is about to start it's still unclear why the boat went down quickly dragging half of those on board to their deaths tom harkin's following developments on the banks of the volga river a nearby. we're in the initial stages of quite a complex operation to try and raise the sunken dog area which will hopefully help
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to reveal where the remaining bodies that haven't been found yet are and hopefully provide the answer as to why the ship sank and sank so fast at the moment a dive platform a few kilometers into the river behind me boats keep ferrying for a foot from the base camp here taking divers and crews out to that platform where two huge cranes and been brought up from volgograd further downstream down the river and those cranes have now been used to attach cables to enormous cables around the bottom of the sunken bowl garia now the complications that there are with lifting the ship are all pretty much due to things that happened in those few disastrous minutes last sunday and the first is that the ship when it when it sank and then fell to the bottom it fell on to its left side which mean it means that there could be bodies trapped underneath the left side of that ship and it's also going to need to be righted so it's it's on an even keel before they can lift it
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was on the first stages of all fastening the cooling cords and then we stabilized the keel after that we raise the ship and finally we transported to dock and most important part is putting the slings in place and making sure they are fixed properly we spend most of our time for a period asked for the looting itself it was take very long so as you heard there all the all the importances in the ground work of preparing the lifting another very important moment is going to be when they just start to lift the ship they're going to try and send the divers in to search for essentially for the hole that left the water and whatever managed to to sit to sink the ship and when the divers find out they're going to have to repaired up hold and pump all the water out before they can lift a zip so in both of those operations they met that may also at the same time hopefully provide answers as to where these remaining fifteen bodies are and also the answer to every. talking about white ships and a mountain of cuddly toys never to be played. they are the flowers and candles
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a testament to the children among those who drowned on the pleasure boat to bulgaria sank in the volga last sunday. the most we studied together for a year she never had arguments with anyone sure as a very kind girl and was always ready to help. the ship sank in just three minutes turning a summer afternoon on the river into a scene of horror i didn't like is that people were basically buried alive anti-matter coffin he managed to get out through the windows i was there with my ten year old daughter i couldn't rescue her she swallowed too much water when i was pulled out i realized my child was gone in the chaos to escape and many other families were also torn apart one five year old boy lost his mother and grandmother
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and was only kept afloat by a man who grabbed his hand another man unable to hold on to his son in the strong current oil slicks had to watch him drown in front of him yuri was the deejay for the disco on the bottom deck he only just managed to escape. and i remember clearly that water was rising very quickly it was a matter of seconds i survived because we saw broken window in the cellar started pushing people legs through it but that moment when we opened the surface and then saw that the boat was already underwater. over half the bulgaria's two hundred eight passengers and crew including the captain and his wife and child never made it out meanwhile as the arabella another pleasure boat arrived at the scene she was surrounded by people screaming and drowning unable to reach the banks of the vast river three cars. thomas's way. as we approached it was hard to distinguish in the
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dark water people who were alive from the rubble that was floating around people were in panic when we rescued them in a state of shock some suffering from other traumas they were all covered in oil fuel that was leaking from the sunken ship it was a terrifying picture i have to say despite a huge search and rescue operation after the initial survivors were picked up a few hours before. the divers in cranes working in this water had been trying to recover just something of the lives lost and families destroyed in those few terrible minutes but they've also been working on the question of cost so much why did the bulgaria sink and sink so fast. as the list of bodies recovered from the ship grew so did the number of revelations about an ageing dangerous and badly managed vessel eyewitnesses people connected with the ship came forward with damning accounts of its poor condition and the stingy management who forced it to keep sailing. i became captain of the vessel in two thousand and seven ship hadn't
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even been renovated for a while before that there were big problems with the engines and power generators repeatedly mention that to the management and even had an argument with them port authorities say they were lied to the ship was only supposed to carry one hundred forty people but was loaded with over two hundred they were told it was carrying twenty more tales of bound including a broken engine electricity generators failing so that no s.o.s. signal or tunnel instructions could be issued and blocked emergency exits criminal cases have been opened and arrests been made to the bulgaria simpler and more controversially into white to ships which reached the scene before the hour didn't pick up a single person reports the crew members instead to prove their mobile phones. is a. pass. because we're sure there were groups of people in iraq many
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hundreds cuts and injuries that were bleeding or you know for how i sold the goods prices by any different direction towards. a slow process of raising the bulgaria has no start it up with it will come the potential for since it all so terrible memories in particular associated with the ships plane or a group of children were gathered when the ship sunk. just some of the young victims in what will go as one of russia's worst most avoidable shipping disasters . bottom part. the captain of a ship that saved seventy seven people from drowning of all the river has been talking to our team we'll bring you his account of what happens next hour right he's been following the intense search and recovery operation over the past seven days we can stay in touch with what's happening by visiting our team dot com or our you tube channel we're also hosting developments on our twitter stream our facebook
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page. is. britain's government is denying it was too close or over murdoch's media empire as it scrambles to distance itself from the firm that's mired in phone hacking claims but records show prime minister david cameron held more than twenty meetings was murdered executives in the past year murdoch has spent the last forty eight hours apologizing with full page ads in british newspapers. meeting the family of a young murder victim whose voicemail was intercepted by media moguls now deployed
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p.r. gurus to rescue news corp's reputation before facing scrutiny from employees about his papers and ethical methods there is a gap on britain's news shelves this sunday after a murder case of the bestselling news of the world has claimed swirled of illegally tapping the phones of crime victims and their soldiers families as the war ended reports watershed moment for the an easy relationship between britain's politicians and the press. media own t.v. radio even the screenwriter just when imitates life the long running simpsons takes a shot at its rupert murdoch aka montgomery burns in an episode broadcast apparently coincidentally this week. but it's not the only piece of timing in the extraordinary phone hacking case that seems to get more
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scandalous every day the list of something like four thousand names which the police of have since about two thousand and forty thousand and five and yet they promise facie evidence of criminal activity by these individuals and boy or the murdoch empire and yet they have not acted on it so why now just as the murdoch deal to take control of satellite t.v. giant piece guy be sure to go ahead his rival the guardian newspaper releases catastrophic allegations of a moral journalists and their shady practices that when the deal collapses the times for example which currently loses money could have transferred some of the profits from. to investing in the times and if you will for example the guardian all the telegraph. that it's not. bridal newspapers who stand to gain from murdoch's empire crumbling the b.b.c. could retake t.v.
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territory lost to b. sky b. and the labor party which was wounded by years of relentless attacks by murdoch papers can finally take revenge where will all this lead. that would suit a government just fine the british press is famous for its shock teeth and no holds barred doggedness particularly where its own government is concerned prime minister david cameron has all but shut down the press complaints commission and already talks of statutory controls to govern print journalists back in springfield mr burns is supported as the townspeople opened up their own newspaper and he's almost right. as it is possible can truly media because of rupert murdoch he
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used. the murdoch found as did mr burns that you just can't buy all the newspapers those outside his control have been gunning for him think it is and this time they may have succeeded just as he looked sexy consolidate control over a lot section of the u.k.'s media markets the drugs being pulled out from under him and it's all over the hidden scandal now revealed but the police have known about it for years nor at its artsy. plenty more ahead including a story of injustice and survival r.t. reports from an internet arab community that's being lined up as exuberance israeli resort was half a century after palestinians were forced out. leaders rebels have become the legitimate power holders in the country in the eyes of mourning sions after the u.s. and more than so. other countries recognized them on friday at
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a diplomatic meeting in a stable the alliance of western and arab nations working on the crisis announced it would deal with the opposition until an interim authority is in place the recognition by the contact group also gives the rebels access to billions of dollars of cut off frozen assets in u.s. banks why political commentator ted rall says the money and status change the situation on the ground. this is really a radical shift from an international student the united states usually doesn't extend diplomatic recognition to regime that is not in the count little bit. and doesn't even seem likely to be able to achieve power anytime soon but you can look at the situation in afghanistan during the one thousand nine hundred sixty two thousand and one civil conflict there between the taleban in the northern alliance the northern alliance where the former regime. had a coward in kabul and the diplomatic relations with the best in the taleban
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controlled ninety five percent of the country it's almost just wishful thinking and frankly if i originally met i would find it disturbing good to preserve our situation if the u.s. knows who these people are they're not seeing and certainly there's no doubt that traditionally there's always been a very high component of jihad. around ghazi. realistic to assume that that is not still because the u.s. has an amazing how it should be a skits full of hundred dollar bills to third world countries and expecting them to end up in the right hands. really going to have. a high level recognition of the rebels may bolster their spirits but it's a different story in combat fierce fighting for a keystroke oil town s. and with heavy casualties among the opposition as they are going reports it's thought france is now trying the talking tactic was the libyan regime after failing to deliver an alcohol grow to get off easy. books is like bragging will destroy the
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reporter lives there off the wrong and gets a nasty surprise i french foreign minister should pay postage france would be a encroached days weeks the wars into a fourth month no final round inside nicolas sarkozy with his western allies seem shocked their little opponents fighting back well it's not often and stuck with them for all nato for the whole west paris even admits libya's rebels but on some somalia. went to libya for training within the last two or three years. documented we have to fly records and everything else so it seems strange and many ways the whole western support of some of the rebel groups in libya must be questioned but in some cases i think we are effectively arming al-qaeda. it's all making a mockery of the un vote on foreign intervention in a country where
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a leading a good person. giving. another. witness is made of libya's causing widespread atrocities for every. military person that was supposedly a casualty there were ten civilians frauds categorically ruled out cindy grilled troops but expose predict is the only way they'll to break the libyan. the moves the splitting the nato coalition silvio berlusconi head of key partner italy invading libya was a mistake russia of staying did the us vote foreign bombs would bring havoc in libya to play said the latest tool to kill the support surrogate lover of will cause. with elections just the way
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thought voice is that a successful resume recuse chills is instead pretty good sleep is becoming a slow motion called crutch for fraud says the president sarkozy's jogging for explosives with. this is libyan spring is to. paris. the clock's ticking for america's rival politicians to agree on the next move in sorting out its soaring derrick's congress needs to raise a current fourteen point three trillion dollar debt ceiling to avoid the folding and president obama wants parties to ignore their differences to avert armageddon the leading credit rating agencies are already threatening to downgrade america's triple a credit score for the first time in over ten years the say there is the u.s. could fail to resolve the deadlock quickly or effectively but from the business insider
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website says both democrats and republicans understand the dangerous further a boring. the impact on the u.s. economy the world economy and the global economy really depends on what the credit agencies do. you know we heard from moody's on wednesday and then from the s. and p. both warning severe consequences if the government doesn't raise the debt ceiling in time including a possible downgrade from the government's aaa rating that increases borrowing costs just for the federal government but for seven thousand melissa pallies across the country states i don't think anybody thinks united states is getting away with this anyway longer and they've sort of reached the point where everybody in both parties agrees that the debt is just too high and they're just they can't borrow any more you can't keep borrowing for you know some sort of annual expenditures it's not a sustainable model for a country if this debt ceiling goes up with the u.s. credit rating is downgraded that would have you know some big problem the current because. recession and slow down the recovery. things are
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a little better in you are with italy now the focus of stopping the euro zone heading into oblivion rome's approved tough so many billion euro cuts package to avoid debt it's the euro zone's third largest economy and could prove too big for its neighbors. meanwhile eight out of nineteen european banks have failed stress tests to see if they could survive another financial crisis economics professional patrick montford says some e.u. countries may have to accept this gold as wealthier nations no longer want to pay for their cost the rest of. the money we've known all along that a lot of banks in europe north would not stressed these stress tests included the possibility of sovereign default because of course they've got loads of greek and portuguese and spanish debt and so there was never any question but one of the reasons why it might be in germany's interest to bail out greece is that it's if it doesn't it's going to have a banking crisis of its own and will have to bailout its own banks but i think the
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the judgment of the taxpayer is they'd rather by their own buying if they have to then keep on giving money to greeks who may never get to give it back to them so there's no bailout really in prosperity by easy rich northern countries and therefore the other countries have to think of some way of getting by and that's going to be default. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world to new zealand police used tear gas and shot rounds into the air to disperse a crowd who torched a police station in the capital the clash followed an incident on friday when security forces fired tear gas to break up a demonstration in a mosque in the city many tunisians remain unhappy with the way interim leaders are ruling the country since january's revolution that ousted president ben ali. egypt's foreign minister has resigned out of a massive reshuffle spurred by renewed public protests the only man in the job for
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a month but interim prime minister has been forced to make changes after widespread anger over the government's record street crowds returns to cairo as many believe little has changed at the top since president mubarak was ousted. israel is for bidding its citizens from campaigning against or boycotting jewish settlements on occupied palestinian territories the new law is already being criticised for violating free speech and stifling democracy prime minister netanyahu faces a stormy parliamentary session on wednesday as he tried to defend the bill some lawmakers walked out the legislation imposes fines on israeli and a settlement activist that allows settlers to sue them for compensation from our from the boycott the divestment and sanctions movement in ramallah says the bill will only make the proper palestinian action stronger. because israel has never been a democracy and can never be
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a democracy so long as it's an apartheid state so long as it has terms or flaws discriminating between its jewish another jewish citizens so long as it denies millions of palestinian refugees the right to return home as it continues with its occupation of the west bank including his troops alone as well as gaza so a country committing such violations of international law and of basic human rights cannot call itself a democracy professor. historian maybe that's right when he said that israel is that hard for which is a democracy only for the master class and not for everyone if anything israel is going it's really pushing first forward in digging the grave of its occupation under apartheid as long as palestinian rights are not respected by israel as well as the occupation continues apartheid continues then i look refugee right continuous palestinians have no choice but to continue to resist to continue to struggle in the struggle for land rights in israel there is one place that still
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and no go area fifty years ago it was a thriving palestinian community but it was driven out and now israel's i ended up luxury get a great artist costlier has a story. nestled in the mountains of jerusalem of the remains of a one star sling community only the memories of those who once lived here have survived intact i feel. have come back and been. my village. i've seen the hobson's the spray and also to my. my car that. grew up among the cacti and fixed trees but in one nine hundred forty eight just before the state of israel was declared his family evacuated unlike the hundreds of villages that disappeared in forty eight and sixty seven most of the original
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houses of lifter are still here so they really were her children. and. we will shoot. the whole caboodle whole debacle whole. hour another took us inside the room in a corner and then the table so as to protect us here cop was one of seven hundred thousand palestinians who became a refugee in one nine hundred forty eight his childhood home was quickly absorbed by the newly established jewish state almost ridiculous thing of all of those in the indian fourth nevertheless if he was forced to do just because you were cleared and he is considered as absentee and he lost the property in the early one nine hundred fifty s. jews moved into the abandoned homes like your new york and spare ins they were also refugees fleeing arab countries where life had become dangerous after israel was created these ready government symptom to live in if to your nieces to prevent i
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would owners from returning or under current here on live here without water without electricity ok i'm here. for the memory here as the very end for the most of the original two hundred jewish families lived because life in the mountains was difficult and the government was slow to develop the area no one has lived in is how those for forty six years all that remains are stone walls when wild flowers and grass now grow if there is empty. and eventually that emptiness that the israeli government now plans to build more than two hundred luxury homes a chicago tel shops and a museum insisting they'll preserve the area's history we will find ourselves with a neighborhood where history has been conserved there will also be documentation and the story will be told of who lived there as we do in all the neighborhoods of jerusalem but many luckier could say palestinian land and
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a double injustice. yanni . for a new three world game from anywhere in this web where i can move in my village and come back. and going back to my village and living. with me. and so. on and so i'm going for palestinians left there is a physical the mind of injustice and survival but for a fair number of israelis it's and i saw their brother not be reminded of what happened here every time they drive into jerusalem policy r.t. if to. now be back with a recap our top stories in just a few moments. one
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. key. would be soon which bryson moved. from dallas to fashion. don't come.


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